Group Videos (FIAE)Videos

Pioneers FIAE Videos

Pioneers 2023 - Mrs Symms' Royal Affair

The Pioneers in 2023 were Philip Morley, Tim Stannard, Michael Young, David Kershaw and Colin Lewis, with guest actress Debbie Groves playing the part of Mrs Symms.

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"Mrs Symms Royal Affair" by the Pioneers

A clever plot showing that the most vulnerable people are capable of beating those who set out to profit from their ultimate demise.

The story opens with the very streetwise house clearance guys sifting through the belongings of a little old lady destined to finish her days in a care home.

Happening upon what looks like along lost masterpiece they set about making a huge profit…

The Making of...Mrs Symms' Royal Affair

“There was no shortage of good fun had by all… A truly Club Film”.

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"Making Of...Mrs Symms' Royal Affair" by the Pioneers

The ‘Making of’ … expertly filmed and edited by team member Colin Lewis shows how the complex plot was carefully honed to ensure the final twist was not evident.

It was very much a case of everyone being the Director which made for many takes before the subject matter was acceptable to all.  In one scene, just 2 minutes of film took 6 hours to film and many more to edit. 

Pioneers 2021 - Saving Olga

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Saving Olga by the Pioneers

A clever and funny spoof of a Russian Agent at work.

However, all is not what is seems and is only revealed at the end.

Filmed in 1 day at locations close to our chairman’s home.

Pioneers 2020 - Father of the Date

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Father of the Date by the Pioneers

A clever and amusing story of a Father checking up on the background of a future husband for her daughter.

It also involves a bit of supernatural as well.

Pioneers 2019 - Is Anybody There?

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Is Anybody There? by the Pioneers

A spine chilling look into the power of a séance.

Well acted and produces the right effect. It won the competition.

Pioneers 2018 - Baby Shots

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Baby Shots by the Pioneers
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Due to the exceedingly short period of time it took to make everyone had to be very quick and accurate.

It won the competition and went on to win when entered into other Club competitions.

A great deal of fun was had by all when making it.

Click image on left to see making of..

Pioneers 2017 - Lost in Translation

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Lost in Translation by the Pioneers

This video won the “Movie in 3 months competition” for the Pioneers on the 7th July 2017 at the Surrey Border Movie Makers meeting.

It was a great shoot full of fun and everyone trying to be professional!!

All the actors are Club members.

The theme for the competition was “Elephant in the Room”