Film in an Evening FIAE 2018

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Baby Shots by the Pioneers
Due to the exceedingly short period of time it took to make everyone had to be very quick and accurate.
It won the competition and went on to win when entered into other Club competitions.
A great deal of fun was had by all when making it.
Click image on left to see making of..
Oddbods 2018 - Royal Diddlington Races

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Royal Diddlington Races by the Oddbods
Mike Sanders was the Sports Reporter commentating on what we were lead to believe was a horse race at the Royal Diddlington Races.
But with Jo Jones enthusing about the races as Lady ‘Someone-or-Other’, the great racing pundit, Mike the reporter says “they’re off”…
…and we switch to the race, but it’s not horses ….
Rita and Al Wheeler, Ivan Dally, Mike Sanders, Gillian Gatland, Fred Hawkins, Jo Jones, Peter Stratford, and Jim Reed were this years Oddbods