Inside I’m 35
Inside I'm 35
Inside I’m Thirty Five is the title of our ‘My Shout’ Film Project for Farnham Maltings.
The film contrasts the elderly as they were with how they are now because young peoples’ concept of the elderly tends to be rather dismissive and they overlook the fact that there’s still life in the older generation, even if on the outside they might look a little jaded. The film has several parts: Two older people talking to camera about their lives and a musical drama which illustrates the misconceptions of youth by comparison between a grandfather and his teenage grand daughter.
Actors will play these roles whereas the talk to camera will be by the subjects themselves.
Watch the video here

The background story to the making of ‘Inside I’m 35’ is covered in three editions of Border Post: December 2018, January 2019, and February 2019.
They can be found in the Border Post Archives Here,
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Watch the 'Making of...'