Edit Challenge 2021
2021 Edit Exercise '10 to 3'
Tim Stannard, Competition Officer, asked members to provide a selection of random clips taken from their films. He assembled 10 minutes of random footage and set the challenge for members to produce a 3 minute narrative film, so it became the ’10 to 3′ Edit Exercise.
There were an impressive 12 competition entries and Tim who has extensive judging experience which includes the BIAFF (British International Amateur Film Festival) was very impressed by the standard and the imaginations of the Surrey Border members who entered films.
The selection was very varied and included the following films:
‘Another Brick part 3’ by Jim Reed based on Pink Floyd’s hit song,
‘Music Quiz’ by Tim Stannard with songs played in reverse to film clips giving clues to the answers,
‘Farmers Dream’ a documentary by Jack Visser about a farmer’s wish to see the world,
‘Earth Alert’ by Alan and Kathy Butcher a film with the theme of Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds,
‘Saving the Birds’ by Philip Morley a tongue in cheek comedy about a plot by a witch to remove women from the planet.

'Farmers Dream' by Jack Visser

'Earth Alert' By Alan & Kathy Butcher

'Saving the Birds' by Philip Morley
‘The Day the Earth Moved’ by Alan Hussey a Sci-Fi film with excellent special effects,
‘Only the Lonely’ by John Thompson based on Dusty Springfield’s hit song You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, this was a very well edited short poignant love story.

'The Day the Earth Moved' by Alan Hussey

'Only the lonley' by John Thompson
’SBMM News’ by Brian O’Connell a newsreel film about the drastic measures including tree felling to make way for local area improvements,
’Dance the Night Away’ by Peter Frost a comedy in the form of a film trailer,
‘Mission Impossible 29’ by Colin Lewis an interpretation of the popular film with a touch of comedy,
’Whicker’s Wacky World’ by Peter Stratford a comedy/documentary film with clever use of voiceovers from Alan Whicker and
After a show of hands vote by the virtual audience the winner was announced as ‘COVID Rebellion Show’ a comedy by Peter Frost depicting the removal of ‘non-face mask wearers’ attending the Covid Show starring the Covid Choir.
Tim Stannard praised the film makers for the excellent and varied films submitted and also thanked all the club members who sent him footage from their own archived films to use in the competition which made it such a success.