
Film in an Evening FIAE 2021

Pioneers 2021 - Saving Olga

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Saving Olga by the Pioneers

A clever and funny spoof of a Russian Agent at work.

However, all is not what is seems and is only revealed at the end.

Filmed in 1 day at locations close to our chairman’s home.

The Oddbods in 2021 were Gillian Gatland, Jo Jones, Peter Stratford, Jim Reed, Jack Visser, Mike Sanders and Rita Wheeler.

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Turning Back Time by the Oddbods

A film shot during Covid, which presented a host of challenges.

Not least was that all the actors are in a different place.

As shown at the end of the video, locations varied from areas several miles from around Farnham to as far out as Hawaii!

Rita wrote the clever script.

UPDATE : This video was re-edited and submitted into the ALBANY Competition in July 2023.   It was Awarded Best Editing.

Those involved in the re-edit were Jim Reed, Tim Stannard, Gillian Gatland, Jack Visser and Mike Sanders.

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Weyfarers 2021 - Bric-a-Brac Roadshow

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Bric-a-Brac Roadshow by The Weyfarers

Despite Covid restrictions the show goes on with a variety of unexpected outcomes.