Membership Subscriptions

Subscription Rates

(includes pdf Border Post by email, monthly)

The rates for the club year (1 December 2023 to 30 November 2024) are –

Single member  If you bring your partner it is £5 on the door – if they come more than 4 times, it may be cheaper to have a family membership.                                            £42

Family member, two at the same address                                      £60

Country membership                                                                           £12   Plus £5 per attendance

Students in full time education – with proof                                    £15 or £2 per attendance


Personal Details for Membership List

The membership list is used by the Committee to keep contact with members as the need arises. Please complete the details below so that the list can be checked and updated as appropriate.

Data Protection Act 2018: The SBMM committee maintains a computerized list of each member’s details for the sole purpose of conducting the club’s business.

Members may request to know an individual’s email to get in touch with them.  If you do not want this address being given out then please tick the box.  If you have no objection to your email address being given to any member who wishes to contact you then you need do nothing.