Group Videos (FIAE)Videos

Weyfarers FIAE Videos

Weyfarers 2023 - 'The Despair Workshop'

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"The Despair Workshop" by The Weyfarers

The Weyfarers had three script ideas at their first meeting but a comedy was preferred and The Despair Workshop, based on the BBC’s highly successful programme, The Repair Shop, was born.

It benefited from Deepa Craig having an ideal building in her garden that would make a good location; a large, stylish shed used as an Art Room.  

Each of six members had a role with

'Raring to Go' by the WeyFarers

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Raring to Go by The Weyfarers

Meeting in a pub in the hope of planning a filming event does not work out too well.

The story centered round the planning meeting at our usual location for such things, the Horse & Groom pub, and the humorous contrast between the rather serious reasons for absence was hugely helped by the flow of pub customers in and out of the toilets.

Weyfarers 2021 - Bric-a-Brac Roadshow

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Bric-a-Brac Roadshow by The Weyfarers

Despite Covid restrictions the show goes on with a variety of unexpected outcomes.

Weyfarers 2019 - Switch

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Switch by The Weyfarers

A missing beloved pet causes an about turn of mixed reactions.

Weyfarers 2018 - Barking Mad

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Barking Mad by The Weyfarers

Backing into an unexpected situation causes chaos all round.

Weyfarers 2016 - Royal Flush

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Royal Flush by The Weyfarers

An eminent Royal visitor becomes agitated on route to a celebratory function when times become hard.