Online Entry

How to Submit Videos to Surrey Border Movie Makers.

It is very easy for Members to upload videos using our Online Upload page together with WeTransfer or Smash for submission to our club challenges, competitions, or videos to show on club nights.

We have created a web-based upload page which sends the information directly to the relevant members of the Committee.

It might include some or all of the following::

1. The member’s name and email address;
2. The video name and its total running time;
3. A brief synopsis of the video.
4. If you have hosted your video on YouTube or Vimeo, we ask for a link to the video.
5. We ask for your permission to either ;
a) show your video only at this event, or
b) include your video in our club archive and show publicly (including on the SBMM website).
6. Finally, we need the WeTransfer link or a Smash link to your video file and 3 or4 related images included with your Online submission.

NOTE: The online submission form is pre-formatted, so entering data is very easy.  A example form for you to trial is shown HERE

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