Online Entry

Sample Online Upload Form

This a TEST example of a TYPICAL online upload form for submitting videos to Surrey Border Movie Makers. 
PLEASE NOTE: This is solely for users to test. The inputs are NOT stored.

Please trial it here to become familiar with how it works. Note that the fields with a red * are a required input.

Please add the name or names of the Video Makers
Please provide an email address for contact
A brief summary of the video (eg subject matter, genre, synopsis) for the judges and to promote your video
Please enter your video link here.
Please enter your WeTransfer download link here.

After you press Submit, you should see the following message in place of your completed form:

If this message doesn’t appear, and you can still see your form, it is because a required field * has not been completed correctly. Check carefully to see which item is highlighted with the words ‘This field is a required input‘ underneath in red, correct the error and press Submit again.

 If you want to send a second entry simply clear the confirmation message by refreshing your screen to show the blank entry form.

PLEASE NOTE: This sample upload form is solely for users to test. These inputs are NOT monitored or stored.

If after reading the detailed guides to completing this form or creating WeTransfer links you still need help, please contact:

or alternatively contact the competitions officer via the website by clicking HERE.