SciFi/paranormal drama created originally as the Club’s entry in the annual IAC sponsored North v South competition with the theme ‘If’.
In the event, those judges missed the point but when the film was entered in BIAFF, the UK’s foremost competition for amateur film makers, it received a coveted 4 Stars.’
Watch the video here

Watch the making of...

Background story
Written by Jeremy Bayne-Powell and Jacqueline Escolme, this enthralling short was directed by Jeremy Bayne-Powell and edited by Paul Redman.
Actors: Raith Monroe, Victoria Durrant and Sean Lyttle starred, and club members helped in the
production and location, shooting over two weekends.
Cube3 is a tense thriller which has strong potential to be developed into a
successful feature length film.
Open this Link to read the feature about Cube3 in Border Post Januatry 2015 edition, or click on the centre image below.