Up, Up and Away!
Up, Up and Away!
Rita’s selection for the second film to be made for the ‘Create 50’ competition is, rather obviously, titled Up, Up and Away! which she has chosen from the winning scripts submitted to the competition.
It’s therefore a club production being made from someone else’s script, rather than the usual 100% in-club film.
However, although only two and a half pages, it presents plenty of challenges to be considered before we get cameras out. Considering the difficulties encountered filming it, so much has been done in post production with regard to editing and the special effects to make it ‘work’.
There have been many emails passing back and forth to identify possible areas of improvement, so once again well done Rita for her structural comments, Al for his structures, Philip for his editing and effects and Jim Reed for a pretty spectacular ending.
Watch the video...

When the footage was shot, it was hard to see how it could be pulled together in a convincing way, being a rather far fetched script idea, but it has certainly succeeded.
The Making of 'Up, Up, and Away!

The background story to the making of ‘Up Up and Away!’ is covered in three editions of Border Post April 2018, May 2018, and June 2018.
They can be found in the Border Post Archives, or click each of the images below to be taken to the relevant pages opened n in a new window.