If you are a member of Surrey Border Movie Makers and have a video you would like to be considered for showing on a Club Night, please use the form below to submit it to the Committee.
A description of the video and the reason for showing
The title and running time
Your agreement (or not) to the video being added to the club’s film archive and GDPR.
WeTransfer link, including the video and, if you require the video to be shown on the website, three 1920×1080 images from the video. (Click HERE to see how to upload to WeTransfer)
These are ALL required entries and must be completed.
NOTE: Any item on the form with a red * is a required field. The form will not be submitted if all required fields aren’t completed. Please check carefully. You will receive a confirmation note on the screen when your entry has been successfully sent.
There might be a slight delay between pressing ‘Submit’ and receiving confirmation. Please be patient. Thank you!
If you experience issues, please send details to webmaster@sbmm.org.