Online Entry

Documentary Challenge : June 2024


The Documentary Challenge is open to all members of the Surrey Border Movie Makers Club. There are four simple Rules:

#1 The Documentary must be about something or someone local, and made by a group of members.
#2 It must include an on-screen interview.
#3 It must include an on-screen presenter for at least part of the time.
#4 It must include some motion graphics. For example to help explain or emphasis aspects of the documentary.

The finished Documentary will be shown at the 5th July meeting, and must be completed by 30th June. There is no firm restriction on the length of the film, but ideally less than 20 mins.

There is no restriction on the number of Documentaries a group can make.
  1. A WeTransfer link for your video.

    (Click HERE to see how to upload to WeTransfer)

  2. Please include your name in the video title
  3. Email address and makers name
  4. Your agreement (or not) to this entry being added to the club’s film archive and GDPR.
These are ALL required entries and must be completed.
Please add the name or names of the Video Makers
Please provide an email address for contact
A brief summary of the video (eg subject matter, genre, synopsis)
Please enter your video link here if available
Please enter your WeTransfer download link here.

NOTE: Any item on the form with a red * is a required field. The form will not be submitted if all required fields aren’t completed. Please check carefully. You will receive a confirmation note on the screen when your entry has been successfully sent.

There might be a slight delay between pressing ‘Submit’ and receiving confirmation.    Please be patient.    Thank you!

If you experience issues, please send details to