AiAi Video Making

Suno – Music Generation

Creating Music without any musical skills...All thanks to Ai

I grew up with music of the early sixties, and like many of the same era, I wanted to play guitar and join a pop group. My father had bought me a ukulele for my 8th birthday, but even with the persuasion that George Formby played one, it didn’t have quite the same ‘street cred’ as a proper guitar, and so my interest soon waned.

Many teenagers at the time wrote lyrics to imaginary songs, and I was no exception But it was never with the expectation that anything would come of it. I loved music, but I wasn’t able to create it for myself.

That is until now, when 60 years later, the Ai music generation software appeared.

It would have seemed like magic back then – although to be honest, it feels like magic today!

To have the ability to upload lyrics, select a particular style, and wait only a couple of minutes before two versions of up to 4 minutes each are output is beyond amazing!

Here at last, are those 50 year old lyrics (that somehow managed to survive several house moves) turned into music.

Forever and a Day

Remember It

If I could Change this life

(Clicking on ‘musicmaster’ shows a few of my 600 songs that are now public in different styles)

SUNO is one of the more accessible Ai software in that their free offering is impressive – simply registering gives 50 credits a day – enough to generate 10 songs each of up to 4 mins.

Try it – it really is amazing!

And if that’s not enough (or you want to use it commercially) the rolling monthly $10 option offers enough to make 500 songs.

HOT TIP: Subscribing for the monthly option rather than yearly means that cancellation is easier and more flexible, and your existing work is retained.

Suno and other Ai software links are available in the SBMM Brain under ‘Resources / Artificial Intelligence’ on the website.

UPDATE NOV 24 : Suno V4 now released, with even better audio.
V4 also offers the option to remaster earlier versions and update them –

Forever and a day remastered in V4

Remember it remastered V4

And this is a remaster of the musical introduction to ‘The Great Lie’ Video.


All images created with Ai. Have fun creating!