Annual Members Competition 2024
Member's Competition 2024
The Annual Member’s Competition was held on
6th December 2024
This year fifteen entries were received from nine of our Club Video makers.
The external Judges this year were from Teign Film Makers :

Pip Critten is the Chair of the Southern Counties Region of the IAC and also their Magazine Editor and Competition Organiser. He has been a Judge and Final Round Judge at BIAFF and many other film competitions, both nationally and internationally.

Betty Nott is a keen and active member of Teign Film Makers Club where her analytical skills and constructive approach to feedback is always welcome. She recently was a camera operator for their Devon Advanced Motorcyclists film in which she also rode her motorbike.
Peter Hiner is the Vice Chair, Programme Manager and Webmaster for Teign Film Makers. He enjoys all aspects of filmmaking and other members very much value his support, advice and tips on subtle ways to improve films.
The meeting was held in the SBMM Club meeting hall, and the lead Judge Pip Critten joined us via Zoom on the large screen.

Mike Sanders managed the technical devices, switching between video playback and live screen of both Pip and the audience in the hall, whilst also keeping an eye on the internet and watching out for any technical issues.
Philip Morley took control of the camera jib recording the audience for the Zoom attendees, and Tim Stannard controlled the evening with his smooth compèring of the events. With 15 films to show and a total running time of just under an hour, not including the added time for both introductions and judges comments, it was no mean feat for Tim to keep to the scheduled time. But he and the rest of the crew achieved it with military precision! Rita wheeler helped by handing out the awards at the end of the evening.
Many thanks to all those who contributed to making the evening work so well!
The Overall Winner - Cameron Gilroy for 'A Paddle Trip Now'
Judges Comments:
“The dissolve to the opening big close up of our character reveals straight away that the making of this film is in the hands of a good story teller.”
“There was wonderful contrast in the pace of the film – the slowness of his waking up to the pace of making the tea. The cutting between reality and his thoughts was very well executed.”.”
Peter Stratford's 'Full Moon Festival'

Peter Stratford's 'Full Moon Festival'
Judges Comments:
“A great script accompanies the mysterious music and striking images as the film opens and sets the scene for what we are about to see.
The sunrise shot is great as is the following misty one. The colourful clothes of the children help to give this film a vibrant look.
The music and ambient noises subtly dip to give room in the soundtrack for the narrative voice. We wondered if this was an AI voice, if so it was very good.
Mike Sanders - Taking Fitness to Heart
Judges Comments:
“This film was, informative, inspiring and will no doubt answer many questions potential users might have.
This film is a credit to the producer who has created a piece that would be at home on a regional news programme.
It is a well crafted edit that holds the interest of the viewer, blending all the various elements in a seamless way.”

Mike Sanders - Taking Fitness to Heart
Jim Reed - 'An Editors Struggle'

Jim Reed - 'An Editors Struggle''
Judges Comments:
“We see a wonderful story of an editor’s dilemma and ways that he can harness the powers of Ai to help him.
This is an excellent production with such clever ideas to tell a story whilst showcasing Ai technology.
The pipe animation and the subtle cough brought a chuckle from the judges.”
Jim Reed - 'Not Real...'
Judges Comments:
“Everything about this film demonstrates a great talent in documentary film making. The concept of getting Ai presenters to talk about themselves and the way soundtrack is constructed is so well done.
It was clear that thinking up a concept, creating assets then blending all these elements into one cohesive film takes great skill.”

Jim Reed - 'Not Real...'
Gillian Gatland - Norway Cruise 2024 Trilogy

Gillian Gatland – Leaving Rosyth
Judges Comments:
“Despite not being able to ask the captain to go around again so you could get a better angle, the shots we saw were the best anyone was likely to get.
This demonstrates that the film-maker was able to see a shot, frame it and get a good result without hose piping or crash zooms.”

Gillian Gatland – Day 3 Olden
Judges Comments:
“The scene setting shot, that opens the film, was well crafted on screen using smooth Ken Burns type movements.
As in other sections of this longer film, there were interesting facts mentioned in the narrative that helped to change this from a simple holiday memory for those involved into a film of wider interest.”

Gillian Gatland – Day 4 LyseFijord
Judges Comments:
“As in other films in this series, there is interesting information included in the nicely recorded narration mixed with well chosen music.
There was nice Ken Burns style movement in some of the stills which helped to make them more visually appealing. The shot from the stern of the boat with the bridge in the background was wonderful.”
John Hawthorne - 'The Strange Photograph'
“We were amazed by what is achievable with all the AI tools you used. We also admired the patience you had in learning to use them all to make this mysterious and interesting story.”
“The digital repair to the photo effect was a nice touch and done well. The shock of the still image then speaking was unexpected.”
Paul Ashworth Entries (Videos not available)

'Joey's Cookies' by Paul Ashworth
Judges Comments:
“The good composition emphasises the beautiful and massive smile of Joey as she proudly displays her baked delights.
The soundtrack is spot on with the change in music punctuating the spoken word.
Here is a great example of what good crafting skills can do in just 15 seconds. With many hours in post production!”

'Barren - A drone Dance' by Paul Ashworth
Judges Comments:
“Delightful music is used as the soundtrack score for this contemporary ballet dance film.
We have assumed that Matt and Ollie wrote and recorded the music and they have nailed it.
We liked the look up at the drone final shot and felt that had it been held just a fraction longer the ending would not have been so abrupt.”

'Counter Feet' by Paul Ashworth
Judges Comments:
“A short and effective “infomercial” that not only tells us about the product but the story behind the business.
The audio was clear and sat well in the soundtrack with no obvious edits.
An enjoyable short that promotes this business in an effective way which will, no doubt, help to drive business to the website.”
Other Entries : LeFanu Family & Marcus Henning (video not available).

'The Gas Man Cometh' by the LeFanu Family
Judges Comments:
“We wondered how many times this had been rehearsed or shot to get everyone in the right place, at the right time, wearing the right outfit, in this one shot film.
Normally a single shot would be visually boring but not here, it actually added to it. We admired the planning and timing it must have taken to get this right.
We were treated to some wonderful, over the top (in a good way) comic acting with some of the cast playing multiple parts.”

'Jabberwocky' by the LeFanu Family
Judges Comments:
“A film that proved you can still make movies during the Lockdown.
Furthermore, a film made by a family who had worked together as one film unit. We see good acting talent, particularly from “deranged” Kathy.
This film would have taken some careful planning as it seems to be a one shot, film. Unless of course there was some very clever zip pan editing.”

'Collide' by Marcus Henning
Judges Comments:
“A tightly edited film from a talented crew and cast.
The pace in the edit was spot on. The building speed in the cuts between the two characters on the stairs just before colliding being a good example.
The choice to end the film before we see the anticipated next collision was inspired.”“
Jim Reed - 'Move 37 : Dreaming of Electric Sheep'
Summary of 2024 Awards:
The Jackson Trophy for Overall Winner – Cameron Gilroy for ‘A Paddle Trip Now’
Highly Commended – Mike Sanders for ‘Taking Fitness to Heart’
The Ron Clements Award for Creativity – Jim Reed for ‘An Editors Struggle’
The Arthur English Memorial Trophy for Photography – Cameron Gilroy for ‘A Paddle Trip Now’
The Pat Doherty Award for the Best Use of Sound – Mike Sanders for ‘Taking Fitness to Heart’
The Best Holiday Movie – Peter Stratford for ‘New Moon Festival’
The Moorey Award for Best Documentary – Jim Reed for ‘Move 37 : Dreaming of Electric Sheep’
The Penny Johnson Trophy for the Best Editing – Jim Reed for ‘Not Real…’
The Dick Hibberd Trophy for Best Camerawork – Cameron Gilroy for ‘A Paddle Trip Now’
The Sir Paul Holden Trophy for Best Use of Commentary – Peter Stratford for ‘New Moon Festival’
First Time Winner Award – Cameron Gilroy for ‘A Paddle Trip Now’