Online Entry

2025 Edit Challenge – Entry Form

Entering the ‘New Year 2025’ Edit Exercise:

  1. Create a film lasting no more than 3 minutes using footage downloaded from this link using the password Rita emailed to you.
  2. You may add graphics and sound, but you may not add video footage.
  3. Your film could have any theme. Perhaps “New Year’s Day” or “2025” interpreted as loosely or cryptically as you see fit.
  4. Add your name to the title of your video
  5. Provide 3x HD images from your video (1080 x 1920)
  6. Create a WeTransfer or Smash link for your video entry together with your three images. (Click HERE to see how to use WeTransfer, or HERE to learn how to use Smash)

Complete the entry form below with:

  1. Video makers name *
  2. Your email address *
  3. Run time and Video Title *
  4. Your WeTransfer or Smash link *
  5. Your agreement to the club publicly showing and archiving your video *
  6. A link to your video on Youtube or Vimeo (Optional).
  7. Comments or Synopsis (Optional).
* These are ALL required entries and must be completed.

Then simply click ‘Submit’

Your entry must be submitted by 28th March for screening at our April 4th meeting.

If you need more help completing the form please see our online entry Home Page here

Please add the name of the Video Maker
Please provide an email address for contact
Please include the name of the video maker in the title
Video Running time (max 3 mins)
Please enter your WeTransfer or Smash download link here. Remember to add your name to the Video title.
Please enter a YouTube/Vimeo link to your video if available.