Group Videos (FIAE)Videos

Oddbods FIAE Videos

Oddbods 2023 - 'The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch'

The Oddbods in 2023 were Gillian Gatland, Jo Jones, Peter Stratford, Jim Reed, Jack Visser, Dave Skertchly, Ric Swift and Mike Sanders.

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The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch by the Oddbods

The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch reflects the change in popularity of the 300 year old British seaside tradition of the Punch and Judy show.

We follow the poignant story of Mr Punch and the Professor, as we capture the changes that occur in their lives as a result of popular opinion and modern day thinking.

Much of the film was shot on location….

Oddbods 2023 - The 'Making of...'

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The Making of...'The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch'

The ‘Making off…’ gives an insight into how we utilised green-screen technology for much of the video. Many of the scenes were shot inside a club members house.

That saved a massive amount of time travelling to different locations and the cost of hire of premises or purchase of equipment.

The saving in fuel alone must mean that the OddBods are well on the way to saving the planet!

Oddbods 2022 - 'Diplomatic Immunity'

The Oddbods in 2022 were Gillian Gatland, Jo Jones, Peter Stratford, Jim Reed, Jack Visser, and Mike Sanders,

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Diplomatic Immunity by the Oddbods

An interview with the senior British diplomat, April Powers, who recounts stories from her past.

She reveals the real origin of the name ‘Iron Lady’ given to the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and reminisces about the time she dated the Argentinian General Galtieri.

Her interview is captured by the ‘Personal History Channel’, and interviewed by Gillian Gatland.

Oddbods 2022 - The 'Making of...'

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The Making of... by the Oddbods

The ‘Making of…  captures the background story, including how we coped with neither of the two stars being available to record their sessions at the same time!

Also, neither had to learn their script, thanks to the use of  voice recognition teleprompt software, which meant that they could focus more on the delivery of their lines.

Oddbods 2021 - Turning Back Time (2021 and 2023 re-edit)

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Turning Back Time by SBMM - Re-edit 2023

The club has selected this video for submission into the Albany Interclub Competition as the Surrey Border Movie Makers entry.

The Albany Competition is to be held on 24th June. Turning Back Time was originally a Film in an Evening event, but made under Covid conditions in 2021.

The theme was ‘Nothing Ventured…’

The group decided to re-edit the original, and this is their revised video.

UPDATE: The revised video received the ‘Best Editing’ Award in the ALBANY Competition during July 2023.
Judges comments:

“The amusing portrayal of Rick as a paranoid Ossy Osbourne type of character was particularly well done. Overall the judges felt that the film was very well edited in its presentation of sound and imagery. We were particularly impressed by the way the film moved backwards and forwards in time, and was so well edited that we always knew where we were”.

Image : Mike Sanders and Jim Reed with the Albany Editing Award

The Oddbods in 2021 were Gillian Gatland, Jo Jones, Peter Stratford, Jim Reed, Jack Visser, Mike Sanders and Rita Wheeler.

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Turning Back Time by the Oddbods (2021)

A film shot during Covid, which presented a host of challenges.

Not least was that all the actors are in a different place.

As shown at the end of the video, locations varied from areas several miles from around Farnham to as far out as Hawaii!

Rita wrote the clever script.

Oddbods 2020 - Lockdown News

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Lockdown News by the Oddbods

A compilation of ‘news’ stories created by individual Oddbod members, each isolating during lockdown.

Mike Sanders created the links and acted as news anchor for the stories – some serious – some quite light hearted.

The Oddbods were Mike Sanders, Gillian Gatland, Peter Stratford, Jim Reed, and Jack Visser.

Oddbods 2019 - Cards of Destiny

The Oddbods for 2019 were Ivan Dally, Mike Sanders, Gillian Gatland, Ian Gatland, Jo Jones, Peter Stratford, Jack Visser, and Jim Reed.

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Cards of Destiny by the Oddbods

A film that tells how much is lost when people die. Its often too late that others think to ask about their life experiences.

It chronicles the journey of three colleagues capturing their histories and results in the creation of their live streaming ‘Personal History Channel’.

The lesson is that everyone, no matter how ordinary, has a story worth telling.

Oddbods 2019 - Behind the Scenes ... Cards of Destiny

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Behind the Scenes of Cards of Destiny by the Oddbods

The film was entered into the ‘Albany’ Competition the following year, where it won the ‘Best Sound’ award.

We also created a behind the scenes video showing clips from the rehearsal  sessions, and highlighting the fun we had making it.

The text below describes the background to the making of the story…

Oddbods 2018 - Royal Diddlington Races

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Royal Diddlington Races by the Oddbods

Mike Sanders was the Sports Reporter commentating on what we were lead to believe was a horse race at the Royal Diddlington Races.

But with Jo Jones enthusing about the races as Lady ‘Someone-or-Other’, the great racing pundit, Mike the reporter says “they’re off”…

…and we switch to the race, but it’s not horses ….

Rita and Al Wheeler, Ivan Dally, Mike Sanders, Gillian Gatland, Fred Hawkins, Jo Jones, Peter Stratford, and Jim Reed were this years Oddbods

Oddbods 2017 - Zipadee Doodah

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Zipadee Doodah by the Oddbods

Zipadee Doodah is based on the idea that people do not directly tell a gentleman that his flies are undone, in embarrassment they will hide the warning in a simile.

In my family a rousing chorus of Zipadee Doodah was well understood as “your flies are undone”.

I wanted to experiment with cheap TV style production methods…

Oddbods 2016 - It'll be Alright on the Night.

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Alright on The Night by the Oddbods