
Montage Exercise 2022

Challenge: Montage Exercise - 2022

Edit Exercise :  Requirement for 2022 – Create a Montage
From the Studio Binder website:
“A montage is a series of separate images, moving or still, that are edited together to create a continuous sequence. Montages enable filmmakers to communicate a large amount of information to an audience over a shorter span
of time by juxtaposing different shots, compressing time through editing, or intertwining multiple storylines of a

It should be clear that this is not just a sequence of pictures, but something which communicates an idea or a (part of a) story. It might be something which condenses a lengthy training programme, tells us about the early life of a protagonist, tells us something about a relationship or just develops an idea.

The Entries:

Play Video
And The Beat Goes On – Alan Butcher

 A nostalgic look back at Alan’s drumming career from playing with the local Guildford band, the Phantom Four in the 1960s through to a reunion gig in 2003. Alan continues to play drums live today.

Play Video
Requiem for Concorde – Gillian Gatland
The film shows take off in Aerospatial colours, some Air France, and several BA designs in order. The landing with undercarriage down was the final flight day.
A magical and nostalgic film to watch.
Play Video
All the Fun of the Fair – Gillian Gatland

A short film made by Gillian when she visited Carters Steam Fair. She took some superb shots and captured the colourful and exciting atmosphere of the fairground really well.


Play Video
Vegas Montage – Gillian Gatland

This film was put together with found footage and film Gillian had taken herself whilst on holiday. Gillian shoots a lot of excellent holiday films, which are always
enjoyed by the club

Play Video
Our Love is Changing – Gordon Sutton

Gordon used the film of his son’s wedding in 2014 and made a much shorter montage version showing clips of musician Sam Semple who wrote and performed a song especially for the newly married couple.

Play Video
Playing Dumb – Jim Reed

This film had a more serious side to it and covered the subject of child sex abuse investigations. Jim used a Tom Petty song to
accompany this film.

Play Video
A Day at the Races – Gillian Gatland

Captures the excitement of the races and all of the associated glamour and enjoyment of the day out.

Play Video
Anthem – Jim Reed

A montage inspired by the use of Leonard Cohen’s poignant song “Anthem” and illustrated using some beautiful aerial footage from John Downer Productions.

Does History Repeat Itself? – Peter Stratford

A very interesting montage documentary based on world invasions past and present allowing an interesting insight to unfold as the audience watched the film.

A powerful montage covering the war in Iraq. The film’s creator Jim Reed, set the film to the music of Muse, and this complimented the storyline and editing very well.

Take a Bow – Jim Reed

This film covered every aspect of
dancing and illustrated how it can become a form of keep fit, socialising, fun and romance

Learning to Dance – Colin Lewis