Sarah’s War
Whilst not strictly a club film, it’s included here because of the contributions and support from several SBMM members.
It was club member Brian O’Connell (image left) who was the driving force behind this epic of a film. Brian originally wrote it as a stage play that was performed in locations around Guildford in 2015 and subsequently embarked upon the task of making it into a full-length feature film.
Using his own funding, Brian wrote, produced, directed and edited the film using professional actors and a young professional cinematographer.
Occasionally he involved a professional sound recordist (when he could get one) otherwise it was nearly all SBMM crew.
The fabulous graphics and posters that were used to promote the film were produced by Peter Frost.
Although Philip Morley (image below) joined the project at a later stage he was vital to its completion. During the last five long full day shoots, he was nearly always the first to arrive and the last to leave, and on one day the wrap occurred at 2.00 a.m. in the morning!
As Brian says; ‘I would like to emphasise the huge part that Peter and Philip played in the production because without them it would not have happened.’
Gordon Sutton also played a key role for both sound and set, as did Alan Brown, Dick Grainger and Neil Cryer.
Watch the Sarah's War trailer
Watch the B/W version Sarah's War Movie:

Sarah's War Full video 1:47min B/W
All About the Making of Sarah's War
The journey of the production is captured in these extracts taken from the club’s ‘Border Post’, from 2016 to 2017.
Click the Thumbnail image below.
It’s a fascinating study of what’s involved in making a feature film highlighting the challenges and stress involved, and should make essential reading for any filmmaker.
Some of the cast and crew at one of the filming locations 'Milestones' in Basingstoke
The Premier showing of Sarah's War:

Video of the Premier Night Highlights and Interviews
The Premier of ‘Sarah’s War’ took place at the Electric Theatre in Guildford, on 13th January 2018.
This 17 minute video captures the moment and the guests.
Click the Thumbnail image on the right to read about the event in Border Post, February 2018.