Club Newsclubnight

July Club News

Surrey Border Movie Makers club always holds a good selection of challenges and competitions which are set throughout the year by Tim Stannard the clubs Competition Officer. It is not compulsory to take part, but they are popular especially the Challenges which offer the opportunity for less experienced film makers to exhibit their films. Over the years many superb films have been created covering several genres.

The July club meeting was chosen to show Documentary films created by the club groups for the 2024 Spring Challenge the following details had to be included in the film: a local place, person or event, an on screen interview and voiceover, motion graphics and the use of old photo’s etc.

The Weyfarers group film was called ‘Introducing Farncombe Community Garden’.

This film showed the joint opening of the Community Garden by the Mayor of Waverley and the Mayor of Godalming who planted two apple trees to celebrate the official opening day. The garden was an idea by local doctors for health and community benefits. The garden has many ongoing plans and ideas for its future to ensure a good sense of wellbeing within the local area. There were over 260 visitors on the day including many children enjoying the many Open Day activities.

 The Pathfinders produced a film called ‘The Great Lie’, a documentary about Arthur Brandon 1856-1937 who allegedly took a chance on growing tobacco in the fields of Church Crookham near Farnham.

Jim Reed who is a member of the Pathfinders Group introduced the film by saying that ‘the fields around Farnham are mainly known for growing hops, but according to some local’s tobacco was also grown in Hampshire fields in the 20th Century, could this be true?’

Jim explained that the film ‘The Great Lie’ set out to uncover the story and discover if tobacco really was grown by Arthur Brandon in the fields around Redfield House in Church Crookham.

The Pioneers group have been working closely with Mediation Surrey to produce a set of short information films and the film ‘The Mediation Surrey Project’ is a documentary which has been produced to show how the films were made.

Prior to the coffee break a film called ‘Before the Waters Rise’ was shown, it was made some years ago during a trip to China by John and Julie Thompson. It tells the story of the Yangtze river just prior to China taking action to stem the mighty flow of the river by raising the water level in the Three Gorges by over 350 ft. thereby controversially submerging several towns and villages. John and Julies poignant boat trip is seen following the journey down the Yangtse rivers Three Gorges passing the towns and villages which were soon to be lost forever. This was an amazing record of great historical value.

Surrey Border Movie Makers ‘Summer Social’ was held on Sunday 30th June it was hosted by Rita and Al Wheeler who supplied a superb BBQ. The weather was good, It was very well attended and gave everyone a chance to have a good chat (film making included of course)!