Club News


Smash is a useful alternative to WeTransfer for file uploads.

Recent changes have meant that the free version of WeTransfer doesn’t deliver quite as a well as it has in the past. The limit of 10 uploads in a rolling 30 day period, together with a reduced time before files are deleted, are likely signs that the system is struggling under the weight of too many free users, and making it a victim of its own success. Personal recent experiences of slow and failing uploads only reinforce the view that it might be time to jump ship and look elsewhere.

Fortunately, we don’t need to look very far. One of the leading ‘lookalikes’ is from a company called ‘Smash’ who describe the differences with WeTransfer here. It’s model is much the same as that of WeTransfer, but it offers much more. It provides up to 5 times faster uploads, there is no limit to its use, and files are stored by default for 7 days (selectable from 1 day to 14 days).

Best of all there is no max upload size.

Whilst the faster speeds are available on sizes up to 2GB, if you are prepared to wait longer for the upload, unlimited sizes are possible.  However, keeping below 2GB is recommended, as some users report queuing for several hours for larger files to be uploaded. But the fact the free option is available is impressive.

The link to the Smash Upload page is here, and our club video upload instructions have been modified to include detailed instructions about how to use Smash for uploading videos.