‘Making History’ Film Night April 2024
Our Club News feature for March detailed the making of the video during our March 2024 evening session. As a reminder, this was what happened:
Surrey Border Movie Makers recent meeting involved club members and also some of our visitors on the evening taking part in a ’live’ film shoot at the clubs meeting. Plenty of hands-on opportunity for keen film makers to take control of cameras, lights, sound, acting, directing etc. The script was written by club Secretary Rita Wheeler. The two leading roles were performed by club members Tony Goodearl who played the part of ‘Max’ and Deepa Craig who was ‘Eve’, the ‘Bartender’ was played by Tim Stannard and the role of two extras were played by Gillian Gatland and Dave Skertchly. Two of the visitors who attended the meeting Phil and Sophia, shared the role of ‘Director’ for the evening. (Read the full story here)
One month later, at the April 2024 meeting, two versions of the finished video were shown, together with a ‘behind the scene’ video.
Those videos are shown below to show what can be achieved during a single unrehearsed 2 hour evening slot with a simple script, a host of extras, an assortment of video making equipment, and most importantly, a great deal of enthusiasm!
Also Brian O’Connell, together with presenter Colin Lewis, created an informative ‘Making Of…’ video’ also featured below.

Clips edited by Philip Morely

Clips edited by Peter Frost

‘Making of’ by Brian O’Connell