The concept behind Film in an Evening is simple – shoot, edit and screen a completed film to the club within a few hours. The club is split into three or four groups and given a theme a couple of months before the event.
They then write, prepare & rehearse so that everything is ready to shoot to a very tight schedule on the evening of the competition. Members decide among themselves the best film.
The resulting films are often re-edited after the event to iron out any rough corners and add a bit of gloss.
It helps teach preparation and practice; working to a very tight schedule; and the importance of working as a team.
In recent years the “in an evening” aspect has been relaxed due to Covid restrictions, but the rule might be back in place for 2023.
We feature a range of videos, jointly made by several members of the Surrey Border Movie Makers club.Many of these were written by club members.
Whilst not strictly a club film, it’s included here because of the support from several SBMM members.
It was club member Brian O’Connell who was the driving force behind this epic of a film. Brian originally wrote it as a stage play that was performed in locations around Guildford in 2015 and subsequently embarked upon the task of making it into a full-length feature film.
Using his own funding, Brian wrote, produced, directed and edited the film using professional actors and a young professional cinematographer.
Showcase of members work, chosen by members themselves, including a breif introduction and includes links to their their competition entries.
I have been editing video from the mid-1990’s using VHS with Hi-8 tapes, then moving onto Mini-DV, and in early 2000’s acquired my first PC based editing suite.
In 2016 I bought my first ‘modern’ camera, a 4k Sony AX-53, high speed with built in Gimbal. After seeing the club in a local newspaper I joined in July 2017.
I’ve selected these few videos as being representative of my work and interest.
Inside I’m Thirty Five is the title of our ‘My Shout’ Film Project for Farnham Maltings.
The film contrasts the elderly as they were with how they are now because young peoples’ concept of the elderly tends to be rather dismissive and they overlook the fact that there’s still life in the older generation, even if on the outside they might look a little jaded.
I came to film making with no background in photography or particular interest in storytelling, but through the simple route of wanting to have a record of my newborn baby growing up.
Digital video was of a high enough quality and cheap enough in the mid 2000s for it to be worth me trying out and abandoning if a failure.
I have since become an Associate of the IAC (AACI)