Documentary Competition 2018
Documentary Competition 2018
The annual Documentary Competition was held in September 2018.
With nine film entries this year it was a full evening of fabulous entertainment and very difficult judging by the captivated audience.
Eight club members submitted outstanding films which covered a wide variety of subjects including’ Twyford Waterworks’ and ‘Stationary Steam Engine’ both by John Mills, ‘On the Edge’ a film about Southend Pier by Jim Reed, ‘The Kashmir Valley’ a 20 minute film by Peter Stratford, ‘St John the Baptist Holy Well’ an important restoration project filmed by Gordon Sutton, ‘Sight and Sound of the Tagus’ by Martin Boyman, ‘Britannia’ an 8 minute documentary about the Queens beloved yacht, ‘Re-building a Daimler Dart’ by Alan Brown and ‘A Florida History’ by Gillian Gatland.
The results of the Surrey Border Documentary Competition was announced at the October meeting.
Alan Browns film ‘Rebuilding the Daimler Dart’ was the winner.
Alan, right, receiving his trophy from Mike Sanders, club Chairman.
Peter Stratford’s ‘Kashmir Valley’ in second place and Jim Reed’s film ‘On the Edge’ in third place.
The Overall Winner - ''Re-Building the Daimler Dart' by Alan Brown

Re-Building the Daimler Dart by Alan Brown
“When I learnt that my neighbour was going to rebuild a Daimler Dart sports car I thought this could make a good film!”
“I decided to film all his interviews at the beginning in order to obtain the shots I needed as cutaways later.
“Sounds simple but of course I hadn’t factored in that aspects of the build might change along the way …
…and they did!”
2nd Place - 'Kashmir Valley' by Peter Stratford

Kashmir Valley by Peter Stratford
“‘I was one of a small group on an adventure travel trip and the only one taking video.
There was no time for setting up shots using a tripod and no space for bulky equipment anyway.
It was shot on an unobtrusive hand held Canon HF G40 camcorder.”
3rd Place- 'On The Edge' by Jim Reed

On the Edge by Jim Reed
“The camera shake from the wind blowing the tripod was a nightmare, and loads of the footage had to be stabilized to make it half decent.
If you look at some of the
shots you’ll see how people are dressed and how the wind is blowing them about!”

Stationary Steam Engine by John Mills