Club Newsclubnight

April Club Night






Surrey Border Movie Makers April meeting began with the showing of short film trailers which members were invited to create for a selection of films previously made by the club. This was a new exercise put in place by Surrey Border Movie Makers Competition Officer Tim Stannard, it proved to be very popular with ten entries in total involving six members (Jim Reed, Alan Brown, Gordon Sutton, Paul Ashworth, Philip Morley and Peter Stratford) who made trailers for six different films. Full Details and videos here.

Following this, the results of the Edit Exercise for the live filming of ‘Making History’ which took place in the hall during the March club meeting were shown. Philip Morley and Peter Frost both added extra footage for impact to the original opening scenes of the film and Peter also made a musical of the film and included some ‘blooper’ footage which raised a lot of laughter.

The whole exercise of filming live, which involved existing and new members created an interesting learning curve, new members especially gained substantial knowledge to the world of film making. Whilst the live filming was taking place at the March meeting, two club members. Brian O’Connell and Colin Lewis decided to hold filmed interviews with some of those taking part in the filmmaking, this was also a good learning opportunity for those who were thinking of setting up and filming interviews in the future. The results of the interviews were shown to the audience. There was an opportunity for questions and answers on all aspects of film making shown throughout the evening.

The evening continued with Jim Reed presenting an enlightening ‘Artifical inteligence’ video.

All the images and audio in the first part of the video were generated using Ai. There were no actors, cameras, or drones. Even the script was generated using Ai. The second part of the video was recorded using cameras with a real person and a Robot. The video is a bit of a wake-up call for those not familiar with how far developments have gone!

Play Video

Peter Frost then presented four short films made by his friend Ian Absolom who started his career as a Cinema Projectionist, he then became a Producer, Director and Videographer with his own Video Production company. He still enjoys making films with the assistance of his Son. The four films shown were ‘Aldeburgh Suffolk’, ‘Henry Moore’, ‘From a Window’ and ‘Showreel’. Ian who could not attend the meeting was keen to have audience feedback on these films and after viewing them it was decided that although they were all very good productions ‘From a Window’ was overall the best film for both its visual and musical content.