
Trailer Challenge Results – April 2024

The challenge was simple – select one or more films from eight club films and make a trailer for the film.

The purpose of a film trailer is to entice the audience into watching the main film and as an advert it needs to be immediately engaging, memorable and create intrigue. It should indicate the genre of the film, have some sort of synopsis and possibly a tag line. Impact is what we are looking for.

Entrants were free to use footage from their chosen film and enhance it with music, graphics, voiceovers, sound effects – anything other than video from other films.

Six members of the club took up the challenge (Jim Reed, Alan Brown, Gordon Sutton, Paul Ashworth, Philip Morley and Peter Stratford), and between them ten trailers were produced  for six different films.

‘Cube3’ was the most popular video, and four trailers were produced by Alan Brown, Gordon Sutton, Jim Reed, and Paul Ashworth.  Their trailers are shown below.

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Cube Trailer 1 (Alan Brown)

Cube Trailer 2 (Gordon Sutton)

Cube 3 was a club video made in 2014, and this page contains details about its making. There is also a feature about the making of the film in Border Post 2015

Cube 3 - Full video

Cube Trailer 3 (Jim Reed)

Cube Trailer 4 (Paul Ashworth)

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‘Turning Back Time’ produced two trailers by Jim Reed and Peter Stratford, shown on the left. The original video was made by the Club Group ‘Oddbods’, and  is shown below on the right hand side.  The home page of the ‘Oddbods’ group is HERE

Turning Back Time Trailer #1 (Peter Stratford)

Turning Back Time Trailer #2 (Jim Reed)

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‘Mrs Symms Royal Afair’, ‘The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch’, Up,Up, and Away’ and SpyderFall’ each had a single trailer entered into the challenge. The Challenge trailers are on the left and the original videos are on the right.

Mrs Symms Royal Affair (Philip Morley)

Mrs Symms Royal Affair

The Pioneers Group made the video as part of a challenge to include a Royal connection. This is their Home Page

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The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch Trailer (Jim Reed)

The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch

 The OddBods Group made the video, shown on the right, using an idea from Dave Skertchly. This is their Home page.

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Up, Up and Away (Jim Reed)

Up, Up and Away

 This was a Club Video, directed and produced by Rita Wheeler as a part of the Create 50 initiative, using an external script.

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SpyderFall Trailer (Jim Reed)


Four members of the club helped make Dave Skertchly’s idea into a reality. The video won the members competition in 2023.

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