SBMM Club Videos

There is a Cub Video currently underway, and a report on progress expected imminently.

Below are the previous years Club Videos

‘Making History’ Film Night April 2024

At the April 2024 meeting, two versions of the finished video were shown, together with a ‘behind the scene’ video.

Those videos show what can be achieved during a single unrehearsed 2 hour evening slot with a simple script, a host of extras, an assortment of video making equipment, and most importantly, a great deal of enthusiasm! Brian O’Connell, together with Colin Lewis, also created an informative ‘Making Of…’ video’.

Sarah’s War

Whilst not strictly a club film, it’s included here because of the support from several SBMM members.

It was club member Brian O’Connell who was the driving force behind this epic of a film. Brian originally wrote it as a stage play that was performed in locations around Guildford in 2015 and subsequently embarked upon the task of making it into a full-length feature film.

Using his own funding, Brian wrote, produced, directed and edited the film using professional actors and a young professional cinematographer.

Inside I’m 35

Inside I’m Thirty Five is the title of our ‘My Shout’ Film Project for Farnham Maltings.

The film contrasts the elderly as they were with how they are now because young peoples’ concept of the elderly tends to be rather dismissive and they overlook the fact that there’s still life in the older generation, even if on the outside they might look a little jaded.

Up, Up and Away!

Rita’s selection for the second film to be made for the ‘Create 50’ competition is, rather obviously, titled Up, Up and Away! which she has chosen from the winning scripts submitted to the competition.
It’s therefore a club production being made from someone else’s script, rather than the usual 100% in-club film.
However, although only two and a half pages, it presents plenty of challenges to be considered before we get cameras out.

Norah’s Ark

Create 50 – The Impact is the creative idea of Chris Jones, director of the London Screenwriters’ Festival and author of The Guerrilla Filmmakers Handbook.

The premise is that an asteroid is discovered hurtling toward earth, with only hours before impact. It is so big it’s a planet killer. The brief was to write about peoples’ reactions in the 97 minutes after the Presidential announcement that life on earth was going to cease – in no more than 2 pages.


Written by Jeremy Bayne-Powell and Jacqueline Escolme, this enthralling short was directed by Jeremy Bayne-Powell and edited by Paul Redman.

Actors: Raith Monroe, Victoria Durrant and Sean Lyttle starred, and club members helped in the
production and location, shooting over two weekends.