Philip Morley
I started making videos in the mid 1980’s. Since then, I have remained a passionate videographer. My journey started with a focus on holiday films and then moved on to wedding films, mostly for friends and family and, over the ensuing years, has developed into making all types of movie genre. I am especially interested in making documentary films.
I have a great interest in the development of all video making equipment from cameras to lighting and sound and have gathered most items needed to make a movie.
These include traditional cameras and more recently the iPhone setup. I am a qualified drone pilot and have used my drone quite extensively in making Club and other films.
When it comes to editing movies, I have used Final Cut Pro X since it first appeared and now enjoy the power it provides the movie maker in outputting the final production.
I am firmly entrenched in the Apple ecosystem and utilise all the available products to achieve a smooth workflow. I help run an Apple Mac group within the Club.
I am the co-editor of the Clubs monthly magazine Border Post.
Having joined SBMM 15 years ago, I have enjoyed playing a part in all Club activities and helping others to gain a better understanding of the process of making better movies. I am currently Vice Chairman of the Club.
Philip's Videos
Competition entries from Philip also feature elsewhere on the website - Please follow the blue links.
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More of Philip's Videos

Harry Hopkins Edit Comp 2017
A film created from clips provided by the competition organiser that had to be assembled into a story.
This film won the competition.
Edited on a Mac IMac Pro in Final Cut Pro.

Elvis Impersonator Ben 2017
A fascinating insight into a local talent living in White Waltham Berkshire, who has gone on to become a world phenomenon. Ben's talent has enabled the unique genre of Elvis's music to be enjoyed in a live environment.
Filmed at White Waltham School using Sony FX1, AE1, Nx70 and Nx30 cameras. edited in Final Cut X. ©PFFilms 2014