Author: s


Film in an Evening 2023

This years ‘Film in an Evening’ was held in July 2023. There were 3 entries:

“The Fall and Rise of Mr Punch” by The Oddbods
“The Despair Workshop” by The Weyfarers
“Mrs Symms’ Royal Affair” by the Pioneers

Club Videos

Sarah’s War

Whilst not strictly a club film, it’s included here because of the support from several SBMM members.

It was club member Brian O’Connell who was the driving force behind this epic of a film. Brian originally wrote it as a stage play that was performed in locations around Guildford in 2015 and subsequently embarked upon the task of making it into a full-length feature film.

Using his own funding, Brian wrote, produced, directed and edited the film using professional actors and a young professional cinematographer.

Members VideosVideos

Dave Skertchly

I have been making films since the age of 14, which is 56 years ago! I started with 8mm film and moved on to video in the 1990s. My films are generally made at a low cost; usually something around about around nothing!

They are based on things I am interested in. I don’t even try to ape the professionals so I class my films as “craft films” rather like “craft beer”.

I use very little equipment, just a low cost camcorder and some editing software on my laptop computer.

Members VideosVideos

Peter Stratford

My interest in film making started in the late 1960s with a short lived stint using the school’s Bolex H16 film camera to record various school activities for posterity.

As the technology improved and prices dropped, I graduated to digital video and recorded my travels around the world for work and pleasure from the 1990s onwards. I joined the SBMM in 2017.

Members VideosVideos

Gordon Sutton

My hobby in making films developed from my father who was an active member of Bournemouth and New Forest Film Makers.

I made my first Standard 8mm film in my twenties and many others since, using clockwork ciné cameras, in the intervening years. I made do with an auxiliary portable tape recorder for sound and avoided the progression to Super 8.